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Your Ultimate Guide for Healthy Living

Kim Melton, RD
2 min read
Wellness Benefits of Outdoor Exercise: How Fresh Air and Sunshine Improve Health
As a fitness enthusiast, dietitian, and health and wellness advocate, you know that exercise is vital for improving your overall...

Kim Melton, RD
14 min read
Hormones in Meat and Dairy--Should You Be Worried?
HORMONES IN FOOD According to a Pew Research poll, many Americans are concerned about risks associated with eating food from livestock...

Kim Melton, RD
2 min read
Low Sugar, High Fiber Apple Berry Crunch
Do you get tired of the same old breakfast foods? I know we do. Because it's the first meal of the day, I'm always searching for...

Kim Melton, RD
4 min read
The Effects of 4 Natural Adaptogens and Botanicals on Stress and Health
Even before we entered the pandemic season, stress was a part of the daily lives of most of the world’s population. Managing stress has...

Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
3 Natural Ways to Detox and Save Money
After another year of stress eating due to covid and all the hysteria and having difficulty maintaining your routine of healthy eating...

Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
Food Prescriptions to Treat Chronic Disease and Improve Health
Does food cure disease? That's a tough question. Kim Melton, Registered Dietitian answers in this post about using food to treat disease.

Kim Melton, RD
3 min read
Boosting Your Metabolism
Metabolism is an area of nutrition and science that has piqued people's interest due to the rise in obesity rates. I often get asked if...

Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
Declining Testosterone in Men and What We Can Do About It
Decreasing testosterone levels among adolescents and young men presents a significant health concern going into 2021. Testosterone is a...
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Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
Supplements, Vitamins and Coronavirus
When it comes to immunity, nutrition plays a significant role in improving one's ability to fight disease. It is becoming more critical than
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