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Your Ultimate Guide for Healthy Living

Kim Melton, RD
7 min read
Cancer in Midlife: Critical Lifestyle and Food Choices That Can Effect Your Risk Level and Longevity
Cancer in Midlife: Critical Lifestyle and Food Choices That Can Effect Your Risk Level and Longevity "Colon cancer runs in my family. I'm...

Kim Melton, RD
4 min read
The Effects of 4 Natural Adaptogens and Botanicals on Stress and Health
Even before we entered the pandemic season, stress was a part of the daily lives of most of the world’s population. Managing stress has...

Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
Food Prescriptions to Treat Chronic Disease and Improve Health
Does food cure disease? That's a tough question. Kim Melton, Registered Dietitian answers in this post about using food to treat disease.

Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
5 Reasons You Crave Sweets After An Evening Meal
Sugar, agave, honey, high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, all of these are various names you may have seen on a food label, and they're...

Kim Melton, RD
5 min read
Supplements, Vitamins and Coronavirus
When it comes to immunity, nutrition plays a significant role in improving one's ability to fight disease. It is becoming more critical than
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